About the EITN Spring School

Applications period has ended 30 June 2022.

The EITN Spring School in Computational Neuroscience consists of a 10-day course in theoretical and computational neuroscience, from cellular to whole-brain levels. The course is structured in thematic days with lectures, tutorials, and project work.

The course is typically aimed for PhD students, young postdocs, or master students interested to learn more about techniques of computational neuroscience, and the use of various simulation environments for model building. The students will form thematic groups to work on predefined subjects, with the help of tutors.

The course will cover cellular models, models of brain signals, circuit models and networks, mean-field models, and whole-brain models. There will be lectures and tutorials associated to these topics.


Sacha Van Albada (Julich)
Albert Gidon (U Berlin)
Hermann Cuntz (Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies, Ernst Strüngmann Institute)
Alain Destexhe (CNRS)
Matteo di Volo (University Lyon 1)
Spase Petkoski (Aix-Marseille Univ.)
Gorka Zamora-Lopez (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)

To be completed.


Who is this training for?

  • Neuroscience (and related fields) students and related
  • Post-doctoral/early-career researchers

Why join?

  • 10 days of intensive training in computational neuroscience provided by researchers from all over Europe
  • Small scale event: get to connect!
  • A complete program:
    • Cellular models, and models of brain signals
    • Circuit models and networks
    • Mean-field models
    • Whole-brain models
  • Hands-on learning schedule based on:
    • Morning classes and tutorials
    • Group projects in the afternoon
    • Free time in the evenings to visit Paris

How to apply?

This training has a limited capacity of 20 students, therefor a selection will be performed by a scientific organizing committee. Applications are open until 30 June 2022.

Send your application by email at eitn@neuro-psi.fr. You will receive a confirmation your application has be received within 5 working days (or on the day application period closes (whichever comes the soonest). If not, please consider a technical issue and submit your application again. Contact eitn@neuro-psi.fr for any question or assistance.

Selection criteria include:

  • Working or studying in neuroscience or related
  • Experience in python programming would help
  • Priority is given to PhD students as the primary target of this training, although Master students and post-docs are welcome to apply

Practical information:

  • If selected, registration fee to attend the training is 400€.
  • If selected, you will need to bring your own laptop with a few pre-installed programs.
  • The tuition fee includes lunch, coffee, access to conference facilities and internet connection during the course days (Sunday not included).

Location Institut Supérieur Clorivière, 119 Bd Diderot, 75012 Paris

This training is design to be attended in-person in Paris. It will not be recorded nor accessible remotely.


Nicolas Brunel
Hermann Cuntz
Gustavo Deco
Alain Destexhe
Matteo di Volo
Albert Gidon
Jennifer Goldman
Moritz Helias
Borana Dollomaja
Maurizio Mattia
Spase Petkoski
Bartosz Telenczuk
Sacha Van Albada
Gorka Zamora-Lopez
Damien Depannemaecker
Domenico Guarino
Marcel Stimberg
Jorge Mejias
Kirsten Fischer
Michael Dick
Renan Shimoura
András Ecker
Konstantinos-Evangelos Petousakis
Marja-Leena Linne
Gaute Einevoll
Agnes Korcsak-Gorzo
Barna Zajzon
Jan Fousek
Rodrigo Cofre

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